HEROIC HUMANS: 365 days of heroism
What is a hero?
How do you define heroism? What makes us human? How do these things make, or keep, us alive? These are some of the questions that fuel the work of Dana Clark, Founder of Heroic Humans, a platform and global social impact movement.
The answers received are facts, not only because they are embedded within each story shared, but they are lived experiences of everyone in the community.
The term Heroic can be broad, but it’s not exclusive – here, it’s an inclusive, universal word that exceeds pages of fiction novels and comic books. It’s the raw authenticity within the struggle and the success, the awareness and the adversity, the catharsis and the creativity. Dana has turned a pop culture term into something tangible, proving that heroes don’t live within pages or on the big screen, but in our private and public spaces, or someone seated next to you.

Ola and Dana got into The Fold at Heroic Humans’ first year anniversary celebration to discuss her story, the platform’s monumental growth within the last year, and what’s in the works for 2019.
Recorded in front of a live audience at Aw Shucks in Aurora, Ontario - October 1, 2018
All photos by Ess & Elle
Listen to the interview:
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Email: info@heroichumans.com
Learn more about Heroic Humans on our Community page.
Keep an eye out for the Live Heroically program by Heroic Humans. It’s an eight week online program that dives deep into personal development, community outreach, and the acknowledgement and celebration of others. Participants receive a Heroic Humans Certification upon completion.