DANIELLE GRISCTI: a CommUNITY Catchup about support on two wheels

Danielle CC August 26.jpg

Danielle Griscti is a real gem in my life, and for those who know her and are in the chat, I’m sure you feel the same. She’s the Founder and Creative Director of her own photography brand and company, Fixed In Silver, a talented writer and music journalist – which is where I met her via Hellbound.ca. She’s been an Outreach Coordinator, a Youth Worker, involved in serious roles in the Tech Industry, and is an active volunteer, always helping others. As Danielle is rooted in and passionate about building better cities and spaces through Active Transportation, Sustainability and Equity, she also gives back by being on the road, on two wheels, by contributing to and advocating for community cultivation and healthy improvements via bikes and cycling. She is actively involved with The Bike Brigade, made up of over 600 volunteers, and is completing hundreds of FoodShare box deliveries, prepared meals, and grocery shopping for vulnerable individuals all over Toronto. We discussed her current involvement cycling it forward to support the city and paid due respect to Riley Gale - the late frontman of one of our favourite bands, Power Trip.


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